Muscle Knots in Foot

by Julie Zuleger Foot muscle pain can be felt either on the top, bottom, or sides of the foot. There are many muscles that contribute to foot pain. A general complaint in this area is achy feet and tenderness to the smaller muscles of the foot. Locations for the most common knots in the foot […]
Muscle Knots in Knee

by Julie Zuleger Various muscle knots can cause pain in the back, side, or front of the knee. Hamstring muscles, located in the back of the thigh, are responsible for extending the hip and bending or flexing the knee. Muscle knots in these muscles can cause pain in the back of the knee, as well […]
Muscle Knots in Calf

by Julie Zuleger Muscle knots can cause pain in the calf. There are two muscles that make up the calf complex or calf muscles, the Gastrocnemius and the Soleus. These muscles form the Achilles tendon that attaches to the heel bone and are located on the back of the lower leg allowing you to go […]
Muscle Knots in Side of Leg/ IT Band

by Julie Zuleger Pain on the side of the leg can be caused by a number of different muscles that are located around the hip joint. A common complaint is referred to as IT Band Syndrome. The IT Band is a band of thick connective tissue. Muscle knots on the outside quad muscle can mimic […]
Muscle Knots in Hamstring

by Julie Zuleger Three different muscles make up the hamstring group and are responsible for extending the hip and bending or flexing the knee. Muscle knots in the hamstrings, which are located in the back of the thigh, can cause pain in the back of the thigh but additionally may cause pain in the buttocks […]
Muscle Knots in Quadriceps

by Julie Zuleger The quadriceps are the muscles located on the front of the thigh. There are four different muscles that make up this muscle group. These muscles allow for hip flexion and straightening or extending the knee. Muscle knots in these muscles can cause pain in all areas of the knee and within the […]
Muscle Knots in Arm & Hand

by Julie Zuleger Pain in the arm and hand may be caused by a number of different muscles, primarily those that attach directly to the neck, shoulder, back and even the chest. Muscle knots in these muscles can refer pain locally around the upper arm, forearm and elbow, while other muscle knots can refer pain […]
Muscle Knots in Lower Back

by Julie Zuleger Pain in the back can come from many different muscles throughout the body. Pain can be caused by knots in the lower back, upper back, and hamstring muscles. Pain patterns can also run in different directions including vertical and horizontal. Muscle knots contributing to back pain are typically located in the belly […]
Muscle Knots in Shoulder

by Julie Zuleger Shoulder pain is caused by a number of different muscles, primarily those that attach directly to the shoulder blade. Knots in the shoulder blade can refer pain locally around the shoulder blade and to the front of the shoulder, while other muscle knots can refer pain to the shoulder as well as […]
Muscle Knots in Head and Neck

by Julie Zuleger You may have a stiff and achy neck, headaches, cheek pain, pain around the eye, neck pain at the base of the neck, and pain on top or at the back of the head. All of these can be caused by sleeping with the head turned causing stretched neck and shoulder muscles, […]