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Founder’s Favorite Muscle Knot Kit (Save 10%)

Original price was: $156.95.Current price is: $141.26.

The Founder’s Favorite Muscle Care Kit offers all of Tiger Tail’s amazing tools to massage your whole body from head to toe, help relieve sore muscles, soothe stress, and tension, and recover. This kit includes 5 muscle care tools: The Original™ 18″, Tiger Ball® 2.6 Massage-on-a-Rope, Tiger Ball® 5.0, The Curve Ball®, and the Happy Muscles® Book.

PLEASE NOTE: Before beginning any type of massage therapy or treatment, seek the advice of a physician.

Founder’s Favorite Muscle Care Kit — includes 5 muscle care tools:

  • The Original™ 18″ Handheld Foam Roller Stick
  • Tiger Ball® 2.6 Massage-on-a-Rope
  • Tiger Ball® 5.0 – Massage Ball
  • The Curve Ball® – Stationary Foam Roller
  • The Happy Muscles® Book

The Founder’s Favorite Muscle Care Kit offers all of Tiger Tail’s amazing tools to massage your whole body from head to toe, help relieve sore muscles, soothe stress, and tension, and recover.

The Original™ 18″ hand-held foam roller is an easy-to-use body foam roller. It does exactly what a floor foam roller does, except so much more. You don’t have to get on the ground, you can target specific muscle knots, you can control the pressure and you can roll a buddy. It is perfect for helping roll away minor muscle aches and soreness. Use it on your legs, arms, back, and more for quick muscle relief.

The Tiger Ball® 2.6 Massage-on-a-Rope is excellent for reaching muscle knots in your back, shoulders, glutes, piriformis, hips, hamstrings, and feet. It easily “digs” into the muscle knots for deep, targeted muscle knot relief.

The Tiger Ball® 5.0 Foam Roller Ball is lightweight, great for travel, and perfect for bigger muscle groups, such as hips, glutes, back, and shoulders. The ball massage surface provides targeted muscle relief. Use your weight as leverage and let the tool do the work. Use it on the floor, chair, bed, or wall. 5.0” massage surface.

The Curve Ball® is a stationary foam roller great at deep tissue muscle massage. This inventive tool offers stable and controlled deep muscle release. Perfect for hips, glutes, back, shoulders, and more. The grippy flat base provides sustained stationary traction. The curved massage surface provides targeted muscle relief. Use your weight as leverage and let the tool do the work. Use it on the floor, chair, bed, or wall.

The Happy Muscles® Book provides a self-help guide if you’re having trouble locating the trigger points causing referred pain. More than 260 pain mapping illustrations with help guide you to the knot that can cause referred pain.

Find the Right Muscle Care Kit. Click here to view/download the PDF

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